
What To Do When You're Worried About COVID-19

What To Do When You're Worried About COVID-19

A few weeks ago, my friend told me about a children’s book contest hosted by the Emory Global Health Institute. The submissions they were looking for were to be targeted toward kids ages six to nine years old, and the purpose was to explain the virus using science-based facts.

You know I’m all about the mental health side of things, and helping calm anxieties when I’m able to, so I chose to frame my submission from that standpoint.

Austin's Newest Murals (And Phrases I Never Want To Hear Again)

Austin's Newest Murals (And Phrases I Never Want To Hear Again)

If I hear the phrases, “uncertain times,” “trying times,” or my most dreaded, “unchartared territory,” because FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT’S HOLY, it’s un-effing-CHARTED, I AM GOING TO SET MYSELF ON FIRE.

orry for all the yelling, but sweet fancy Moses, can we come up with new terms?

And is it too much to ask to GET RIGHT the ones we’re over-using??

The Corona Chronicles Project

The Corona Chronicles Project

When I was growing up, my parents would take me to the library and set me to work going through reels of microfiche films to help them work on our family genealogy project. They taught me how to look up census records, and birth and death records, but I became fascinated with all the stuff in the middle.

I wanted to find out about what my ancestors did between those two events. The dates on their vital statistics records announced that they were born and then died.

Their stories showed us that they lived.

How To Manage Boredom During Quarantine

As we enter our 49th week of quarantine, I thought I would--- Hm?. What’s that? We’re only on **checks notes** week one?

Is this a joke?

Our new quarantine meal plan consists of mostly Ruffles and Cadbury mini eggs, so even though we’re only ten days in, I’m up 32 pounds and drunk, thanks to starting a drinking game based on hearing the words, “I’m bored.”

Grab This Homeschool Daily Schedule

Grab This Homeschool Daily Schedule

We got our e-learning email from my son's teachers this morning and I am SO HAPPY to see that - in our school district, anyway - they’re making the focus about REVIEWING what the kids have learned this year, as opposed to learning new material.

This is fantastic news for all of us, but especially for those parents who still have to work outside the home and worry about how to help their kids with schoolwork, and for those of us who are just overwhelmed in general by the responsibilities of teaching our kids.

I wanted to share with you what we're doing in our home.