If I hear the phrases, “uncertain times,” “trying times,” or my most dreaded, “unchartared territory,” because FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT’S HOLY, it’s un-effing-CHARTED, I AM GOING TO SET MYSELF ON FIRE.
Sorry for all the yelling, but sweet fancy Moses, can we come up with new terms?
And is it too much to ask to GET RIGHT the ones we’re over-using??
Right before the world went on lockdown, I went into Austin to check out the city’s newest mural installations and to showcase them as a last minute spring break suggestion, in light of the fact that everyone’s travel plans fell apart just as the kids were pouring out of schools for their week off.
Now that the state’s opening back up, I have two reminders for you:
First, this does not mean the pandemic is over and that all is safe. It means that now if you DO get sick, there’s room for you in the hospital and they won’t have to flip a coin to see if you get the ventilator or if someone else does.
Get out if you want - I certainly do!
But take precautions and be as safe as possible. If not for yourself - because I hear people saying they’re not worried about getting sick - then for others, like my son, for example, who ends up flat on his back for a WEEK when he’s exposed to the common effing cold.
Secondly, I’d like to remind you that it’s perfectly safe to jump in your car and check out the magnificent murals around Austin, including the city’s two newest ones that were completed on March 12th.
Here’s the post I wrote about the murals for AustinMoms. Check it out! There’s even a link in there to sign up for a customizable round-trip map.
Visit Austin’s Newest Murals | My Post On AustinMoms
Visit Austin Moms for full post!