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Oh heeeyyy!  I realize it’s been a little longer than a minute since you last heard from me.  

I’ve been on a nine-month, unplanned hiatus during which I pretty much gave up my entire life in service of others (I’m disgustingly selfless), got my oldest son graduated and moved off to college, moved our family to a new home in a new town, planned a once-in-a-lifetime family vacation in celebration of The Graduate, and find myself now pale with dark under-eye circles, greasy meth hair, dressed like I lost a bet, and almost completely unraveled.  

My ADD is at an all-time high, and whereas my friend, Cara, said to me last week, “you need Adderall like a motherf***er,” my friend, Sarah, has been telling me for months that writing is what gives me sanity and purpose, and that my brain is desperate for it.

I think they’re both right.

I’m flattered that people have been asking me when I’m going to blog next, or when my next book is coming out.  It was two years ago today that I typed out those first words of what would become my memoir the following April.  How was I so focused just two years ago, but so far off the rails, now?  

It feels as gross as having sweaty folds.

But today’s a new day.  I’m #soblessed to be covering the Texas Conference for Women for the fourth year in a row tomorrow, and I’m using the opportunity as my kick-off back into the blogosphere.

Not only do I have tons to catch you up on, but my super-smart pal, Sarah, is right:  the writing habit is important to my sanity.  And even if I write a few little blips each day, who knows what other habits I might be able to conquer?  Maybe quitting peanut butter?  Oh God, no, not that.  But something more reasonable, surely.  

I’m hoping I run into the most deliciously talented Viola Davis in the bathroom tomorrow at the Conference.  She’s a keynote speaker and I’m going to look under all the stalls and peek through all the gaps to find her and ask not only how she pulls off that most perfect, snot-heavy ugly cry in her role as Annalise Keating on How to Get Away With Murder, but most importantly, how did she overcome the depths of poverty and family dysfunction as a young girl, and make her way to Julliard, the crème de la crème institution for cranking out performing arts masters?

It’s stuff like that that makes feel like an asshole for complaining when I can’t get things checked off my little baby to do list.

I’ve got big plans for getting my mojo back.  I’m committing to writing regularly - five days a week through at least November.  I’ve got so much to share about decorating, weight loss, being an adult with ADD, raising kids who have ADD, and of course big book plans for the coming year, and my goal is for you to be all, “How the EFF does she do all that?” because nothing gets me lathered up more than impressing people into thinking I'm awesome.

There’s some stuff that isn’t necessarily internet-appropriate (or what I’d like floating around “out there,”) so I send those types of nuggets only in email.  Signup here if you want some of that.

Thanks for reading today.  I can’t tell you how much it means to have loyal readers asking me when my next post is coming out.  I appreciate you both more than you know!

Deep, undying love,
