My 2nd Biggest Fear In Life (also: Cooking With Cody, October Edition)
My second biggest fear in life is getting hit by a bus, leaving my children without having taught them all the lessons they’ll need to function in life, because I can tell you that if they had to do it on their own starting today, they don’t stand a snow monkey’s chance in hell.
I should mention that one of those children I’m referring to isn’t even a child, anymore. He’s almost 20. A grown-ass man.
He’s a good guy and all. Kind and sensitive. Super smart. Funnier than shit.
But lazy af.
We’re buckling down a little more on this second kid, just to see what happens.
I’m spending time with him in the kitchen to help teach him some cooking basics, and the sucky part that is kitchen clean-up, and since cooking is science-y, we’re killing a handful of birds with one super-efficient stone.
We’ve been getting the monthly subscription box kits from Raddish Kids for a few months and we’ve been having lots of fun with them. They come with coated plastic recipe cards, a tool or two (this month’s tool was a pair of Halloween cookie cutters), and a patch that you can iron on your kid’s apron, if they have one (mine does not, so we keep the patches in one of the little piles of random b.s. I have around my house 🙄).
Here’s this month’s recipes and our review of each:
Eye Popping Tomato Soup
Nobody in our family likes olives, which is what the recipe called for, so we used the carrots to make eyeballs with the mozzarella balls. Still creepy-cute and tasty!
Review: Super easy to make, but we didn’t like the taste. It was pretty watery and lacked flavor.
Creepy Crawler Spider Sliders
We were strapped for time, so we cheated a little and made patties out of the meat to pan-fry, instead of pressing into a pan and baking, as the instructions directed.
Cody had fun squishing the spices into the meat
Review: Burgers and fries? YUM.
Chocolate Creature Cookies
If he learns nothing else in life, at least he can operate a mixer!
Note: the reason for the wardrobe change is because we made one batch one night, but ran out of time to do the icing, so we started earlier the next day to do an iced batch. Future Cooking With Cody segments will be on the weekend, not on a school night!
Review: These were pretty tasty - rich and buttery and not super-sweet (actually a little salty-sweet, which is my fave!) The dough was yummier than the cookies, if I’m honest, but don’t eat raw dough! It’s super dangerous!
Super fun and educational! Sign your kids up with Raddish Kids and use the code “TRWNX7" to save $10 off a 6- or 12-month subscription.
Hmm? Oh - my number one biggest fear in life? Being forced at gunpoint to sit my naked hiney on an unprotected port-a-potty seat. 😝**shudders and gags**